8 common skincare mistakes to avoid

8 common skincare mistakes to avoid

Skincare is a crucial part of our daily routine. Regardless of your gender or age, it is important that you incorporate a consistent skincare routine as nobody’s skin is immune to sun damage, wrinkles or various other issues that affect millions of people around the world. Yet with so many steps, options, and products, it can be easy to make a mistake that may aggravate your skin further. That’s why it’s especially important to make sure you’re avoiding these common skincare mistakes so that …
Oct 4th 2022
Everything you need to know about Vitamin C serums

Everything you need to know about Vitamin C serums

Finding an effective skincare routine can be a bog, especially when you don’t know where to start. Recent trends, however, seem to indicate that Vitamin C serum is pretty much a holy grail of skincare products. With everyone from YouTubers to TikTokers recommending it, Vitamin C serums have seen a substantial increase in popularity. The question that seems to be on the minds of many though, is what does it actually do? And how do you actually use it? Fear not, this blog will be your guide to …
Sep 28th 2022
How to know if your Kojie San soap is original

How to know if your Kojie San soap is original

At Gen C Beauty, you can purchase original Kojie San Soap in different pack quantities and sizes depending on your needs. This soap is particularly popular as it combats a wide range of skin issues and helps provide a fairer skin tone thanks in part to the Kojic Acid present within the soap. You can also be rest assured that you’re buying a genuine and authentic product when you purchase any Kojie San product from Gen C Beauty. A common problem in today’s marketplace is when customers purchas …
Sep 16th 2022
Why T.TAiO Esponjabon Sponge Soaps went viral on TikTok

Why T.TAiO Esponjabon Sponge Soaps went viral on TikTok

If you’re not a regular TikTok user, you may have missed the sponge soap craze over the past year. Just take a look at the #taiosoap and #ttaiosoap hashtags on TikTok and you will find videos totaling millions of views. What is T.TAiO Esponjabon Sponge Soap and why has it become so popular? T.TAiO Esponjabon Sponge Soap is a soap-infused sponge designed to nourish the skin. It is a Mexican innovation that provides softer, smoother and more radiant looking skin. But why exactly did this …
Sep 15th 2022
How do you use Timeless skincare products?

How do you use Timeless skincare products?

In our previous blog post, we explained why serums should be the next addition to your skincare routine and what the best products from Timeless were. If you ended up purchasing some of those serums, you may be wondering how to use them properly. What is the best combination? What is the correct order? Do you apply moisturizer after or mix it with the serums? We’ll answer everything in this blog post so you can get the best out of the Timeless serums and provide your skin with the benefits it …
Aug 29th 2022

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